NorthWest Scouter

Merit Badges





1. Do the following:

a. Explain to your counselor the hazards you are most

likely to encounter while using basketry tools and

materials, and what you should do to anticipate, help

prevent, mitigate, and respond to these hazards.

b. Discuss the prevention of and first-aid treatment

for injuries, including cuts, scratches, and scrapes,

that could occur while working with basketry tools

and materials.


2. Do the following:

a. Show your counselor that you are able to identify each

of the following types of baskets: plaited, coiled, ribbed,

and wicker.

b. Describe three different types of weaves to

your counselor.


3. Plan and weave EACH of the following projects:

a. A square basket

b. A round basket

c. A campstool seat




Resources: Merit Badges - Requirements Merit Badges Worksheets

Troop 109 Merit Badge Library