NorthWest Scouter

Merit Badges





1. Give a brief history of the bugle.


2. Do the following:

(a) Explain and demonstrate how the bugle makes sound, and explain how

the bugle is related to other brass wind instruments.

(b) Compose a bugle call for your troop or patrol to signal a common group

activity, such as assembling for mealtime or striking a campsite. Play the call

that you have composed before your unit or patrol.


3. Sound 10 of the following bugle calls: “First Call,” “Reveille,” “Assembly,”

“Mess,” “Drill,” “Fatigue,” “Officers,” “Recall,” “Church,” “Swimming,”

“Fire,” “Retreat,” “To the Colors,” “Call to Quarters,” and “Taps.”


4. Explain the use of each of the calls you performed.


5. Explain how to care for, clean, and maintain a bugle.


6. Serve as bugler in your troop for three months.*

* NOTE: A bugle, trumpet, or cornet may be used to meet these requirements.




Resources: Merit Badges - Requirements Merit Badges Worksheets

Troop 109 Merit Badge Library