




Covid 19 and Scouting - Things to Do - Cub Scouts





Guidelines for Cub Scouts

For Cub Scouts, the BSA will allow parents and other adults in the Cub Scout’s family to sign off on Webelos and Arrow of Light requirements through July 31, 2020. Normally, only a den leader may sign off on these requirements.


Also, Cub Scouts can continue to work on their current den’s advancement through July 31, 2020. This gives extra time for Cub Scouts to complete their badge of rank; if they earn their badge of rank prior to July 31, 2020, they may advance to the next rank.



Scout Handbooks

Most of the information scouts need to complete a given adventure is in their scout handbook.  If they lost their handbook, you can order one online or download one.  Older ones are also all over the web at places such as:








Den Leader Guides

As you may be aware, the BSA published all of their Cub Scout leader guides at cubscouts.org. This was removed a few years back, but is still archived on the web.  It may be a little out of date, but these are packed with  great lesson plans and ideas.  If you go to an adventure page, there is a link button that takes you to a PDF that has the excerpts for that adventure from the Den Leader’s Guide.







